Thursday, November 15, 2007

One of the biggest things I learned from reading FlyLady is that as long as it gets done, does it matter how? Is a room any less clean for being done in five minute bursts over the 8 hour day instead of being done in a two hour frenzy of cleaning that makes me want to cut corners by the end? Those five minutes are quality segments, not something that starts out quality and ends in slackness. Also there's the concept of being more gentle with yourself in order to get it done. Don't focus on the ten things you didn't get done in a day, look at the stuff you did get done.

My living room is a mess, true. There are dustbunnies under my unmade bed that may have formed a civilization of their own. Yet my sink is clean, the dishes are done, the trash is taken out every night. Laundry is done and put away, not stacked all over the house. This is good.

So to keep on keeping on- I shouldn't be overly worried how I'm going to handle my new baby and new responsibilities. I should be focused just on keeping on. My sink is still going to get cleaned, my dishes put away, the trash taken out. It's such an automagical thing for us that nobody thinks twice about those things. That's the style of housekeeping I want to get to. It's possible. As long as I focus, it's possible.

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