Tuesday, April 17, 2007

motherhood is not for the faint of heart. Not only does it start with discomfort and then the Event known as childbirth, but it segues into dirty diapers, the endless rounds of laundry that CANNOT be put off if you expect to ever use those items again... Damn but it's fun though.

This morning my daughter has chosen to entertain herself by putting an empty cardboard tp roll into an empty kleenex box. Then she takes it out. Then she puts the roll over her forearm so that it looks like a little cast- she has decided to use that to whack things with.

Am I going to stop her? Nope. Am I glad that she's using her imagination rather than playing with some specifically designed play set that costs more than an empty cardboard tube? Yep. Money aside, she's learning to reuse things. She still has all those nifty and neat toys, but this? This is pretty cool too. It makes me happy to play all the same games with her that I used to play with my mom. Same sorts of stuff, empty containers that have been washed but I never threw out; and when she inevitably destroys it I can just toss without feeling like we're wasting or destroying expensive stuff.

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