Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I'd been toying with the idea of a low-impact, low-budget life for quite a while. Does this mean that I'm all environmentally conscious? Nope. Just on a budget so tight that it might scream if I winched it any tighter.

It doesn't have to hurt. There are all sorts of things out there, and ideas can be had in any "older" book. Shopping? String bags. Or tote bags that can be had easily in thrift stores and yard sales -look for the promotional ones. If you just can't stand the logos and advertising on it, pick up a fabric marker or some fabric paint. Or an iron-on applique. Or even a sharpie. It won't hurt, it might sting a little, but it will take care of things.

No time to bake bread every week, and no money for a machine, and you just get tired of the pre-processed, preserved to within an inch of it's life, store-bought loaf? Yeah, it's a little bit more work to make your own. Cheat by mixing the first half of the dry ingredients ahead of time and store it in an empty [and clean] peanut butter jar. When you're ready, add the warm water to proof the yeast, then add only as much more flour as needed to attain that wonderful elastic dough.

Kneading dough is good for stress, too!

Old t-shirts? Old washclothes that are just too gross to use on your skin? Downgrade them to cleaning rags. I keep a roll of papertowels on the shelf for when I just need one for something, but for all my kitchen wipeups I've been able to switch over to a stack of old kitchen towels. They're so old I don't even remember where I came by them, but I'm fairly sure they were passed down from an older relative shortly after I set up housekeeping. They are older than I am. I am fortunate enough to have a washing machine now, so I can toss them straight over the side of the washtub after I use them.

More ideas when I get online again. Don't want to use them all up tonight.

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