Friday, December 7, 2007

It may not be the most economic idea, but what I like to do when pumping breastmilk for the freezer is to pour it into the disposable nurser bags. They're fairly cheap- 150 in a box for 3 dollars. I then roll the top down tightly, fasten with an address label, and then place inside a larger freezer ziptop bag for storage in the freezer. I can get away with this easily because I don't produce a lot of milk. Maybe one ounce, combined, if all the stars and heavens are in alignment and there's a blue moon.

Hopefully this will change. I'm eating well, drinking lots, taking fenugreek to try and up the supply, and emptying my breasts completely when I pump (frequently). I try not to obsess too much over supply. I realize that's a lost cause because I'll obsess about something and this is custom-made to all my obsession tendencies.

Another day, another pumping session, and another washcloth in my bra. That portion of the current experiment in thriftiness is, at least, going very well.

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