Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm taking an unexpected twist on frugality this week. Since I'm pumping breastmilk for Robbie, and since he can't use all I pump right now, I'm starting to squirrel away the extra bits that I won't be able to use up at the NICU in our freezer here at home. This serves several purposes. Not only does it give me a wall-o-breastmilk in the freezer to use if the Boy and I ever go out for an afternoon, not only does this give us a laid in supply of the best food for strengthening his immunities, but when my supply eventually tapers out and falls by the wayside I've got something extra to fortify the formula with and help it stretch just a little bit further.

Does that sound too much like I'm giving up on the supply issue early? Believe me, I don't want the supply to dry out like it did for the Toddler. I'm just trying to realistically prepare for that day. Just like I didn't want a 29week preemie, but I prepared for it in the back of my head and now the Boy and I are coping relatively well. I say that. I hope it's true. I mean, I am not the emotional wreck I was last time. I'm about as prepared as it's possible for me to be. I'm thinking... that can only be good.

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