Friday, August 10, 2007

Vegetarian Lasagna

about 46oz of your favorite spaghetti sauce
4oz can mushrooms
a handful of frozen chopped onion
10oz brick of frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
between 5 and 6oz firm silken tofu
1 tsp powdered garlic
8oz shredded mozzarella
lasagna noodles, uncooked

Start by sauteeing the onions and mushrooms until they're nice and warm and sizzly. Add the spaghetti sauce and remove from heat. In another bowl mix the spinach, garlic, and tofu together. In a large baking dish layer: sauce, noodles, spinach/tofu, sauce, noodles, spinach/tofu, sauce. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 45min. Remove foil, cover the lasagna with cheese, bake another 15min.

Let set for about 10 before eating. I made this during the post lunch nap, let it sit on the stove all afternoon (hey, not that long, just around 90minutes or so) until the family started needing dinner. Then we cut and ate it with a salad and bread&butter. Some chose to reheat it, some ate it cold with great enjoyment.

This was my first experience ever with cooking tofu. I expected to be able to tell it was there; when I went to eat it I could not detect anything other than cheesy lasagna goodness. The Boy bitched about the inclusion of mushrooms. He doesn't like them, but I put them in for added nutritive value. He survived.

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