Friday, January 18, 2008

In the past two weeks I've been really using the library system here. I've paid them $3 to hold 6 books aside for us. Of those six books, I'll be reading all of them, and the other two adults under this roof will be reading about half. I have the edge- I have the library card and PIN number that lets me do this.

Recently I was reminded by how much I'm coming to rely on this system. How else to effectively use my time and funds while carting a toddler around? While she loves to go to the library, I find that I can't chase her around as much as I used to be able to. This ability will go down even further in a month or so when Robbie comes home again. How to cope? I can maximize the time we spend over there by me pre-reserving everything I want to check out. We can go for a few minutes, explore the books, pick out some for the children, and check out everything all at the end. A small price to pay for avoiding the screaming child pulling books off the stacks while I'm trying to look for something interesting to me.

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